Past Concerts and Social Events (scoll down and click on the appropriate link) |
The choir enjoyed a great night of singing (without copies, I might add) in Queen Street Methodist Church, Scarborough on Saturday, May 13th and proceeds were in aid of Church funds.
Disappointingly, three similar concerts were booked on the same night, close, or around the area at other churches and chapels, which meant a relatively small turn out.
Even so, audience participation proved particularly impressive with the popular Rod Stewart `Sailing` and although not a seafaring man among the choir, apart from Geoff Thrall and John Thompson,`The Jolly Roger` appeared to go down well.
Adding variety, solo`s by Colin Easterby, Hinderwell`s answer to Paul Robeson, followed by Harold Jones, while the duo of Harry Collet and Frank Templeton added their own brand of humour (what a lively little mover Frank is when the mood takes him) with a rendition of `The Bold Gendarme`s` song, and, accomplished as ever, Ann Hartley was our Accompanist for the evening. M.D. Stephen Maltby rounded the evening off with a fantastic performance on the organ, before the choir signed off with `Morte Criste.
With refreshments provided at the interval an enjoyable night for all.
John Watson writes:
First of all some background on this imposing old building and as it has far too deep a history to relate here are just some salient points of interest. Building began in 1823, but due to rising costs was not finished until 1829. It was built out of local sandstone, donated by Lord Dundas, along with a donation of money which provided a massive step forward for the project - although the roof timbers proved to be a problem. These were too large to be sourced locally so they had no option but to be transported from the Continent to Hartlepool, where a flotilla of boats from Redcar brought them to site!
When first built the original box pews would seat 700 people, at a time when religion was strong. A certain Mrs Walton donated the clock for the tower, but due to farmers not wanting workmen clock watching out in the fields – nothing changes there then, eh? The clock only faces North and West and not really visible from the South, which at that time would be dominated by agriculture.
The latest building addition would be the Zetland Rooms from about the 1980`s The choir were in fine voice for their first concert of the year at St Peters Church, Redcar on Saturday, April 23rd and were rewarded with a marvellous, appreciative audience for the evening, the performance being well advertised by the Dalesmen and the church itself. Musical Director Stephen Maltby and accompanist, Ann Hartley, led the choir through a lively and entertaining programme, with excellent solo performances from Harold Jones and Harry Collet.
With refreshments at the interval, plus a raffle, proceeds totalled well over £500 and were for church funds. Vicar Rachel Harrison thanked everyone for their generous contributions.

A good contingent of home supporters swelled the numbers, and Chairman Phil Hunton kept strict, headmasterly control of the motley crew, allowing nothing stronger than tea or coffee on the bus as he wanted no slurring of words!
A comfortable and r

One of the highlights of the evening came from a twelve year old boy Accompanist – I didn`t get his name, listed differently to the programme - for the Ladies Choir when they sang `Gypsies Chorus`. Having played the piano for just four years, he went out on stage and performed as good as any seasoned veteran, proving what a fantastic talent he is.
Presenter for the night was the incomparable Dr Alwyn Humphreys MBE who appears to manage and combine two busy careers of television presenter and choral/orchestral conductor with apparent ease.
His experience shone through not only with his brilliant brand of Welsh humour, but also his control and conducting of all the massed choirs, culminating in a superb finale, encompassing all choirs and the capacity audience in the singing of Jerusalem.
As for having a meal there, well, a different story. Marvellous place to perform in, not so good for eating out. Ron Kerrison and myself did not think a slice of chicken breast and three corn beans in tomato puree constituted a meal, just because it was on a big plate. Using the Eurovision Song Contest scoring as a guide – not that I watch it you understand – To perform there: Ten points. For eating there: `Nil Points`! And if I was competent in French, it would read much better.
John Watson writes:
Just two years ago, Christchurch, Coatham, built in 1854, was threatened with closure, but the hard work and dedication of Parishioners and supporters have brought it through once again to a thriving church for the community if the Festival of Music and Light is a guide.
On arrival, the old building and spire stood proud, illuminated against the dark night sky by an array of weaving, coloured spotlights. Inside, the festive decor just as impressive, each side brightly lit with elaborately decorated Christmas trees, adding to the Christmas feel.
A series of concerts were booked over the weekend beginning Dec 11th and The Dalesmen Singers from Danby were invited to take part alongside Redcar`s own Topline Youth Choir.
It is always a delight to perform in the company of youngsters, as we tend to think the exuberance of youth, like enthusiasm may rub off. Well, okay, sometimes it just doesn`t happen! But, still an absolute pleasure to be involved with such an obviously talented bunch of musicians, led and nurtured by their enthusiastic MD Chris Nixon. Chris, I am informed, was instrumental in bringing these series of concerts to fruition, along with his many helpers.
Attending on the night were Jeremy Gartland from Radio Zetland FM to film and record proceedings, and the concert will be broadcast on Christmas Eve, which will help all concerned with publicity and also leads us nicely into the festive season.
The Reverend Rebecca Haughty was on hand to give a vote of thanks, followed by supper and refreshments for all.
Total amount raised for church funds was in the region of £1000,
John Watson
The Dalesmen Singers were once again pleased to participate in the Summer Concert programme organised by South Cliff Methodist Church, Scarborough on Monday evening June 22nd. We had good support from members, thus giving the choir a chance to perform at their best and entertain a lively, enthusiastic audience. A less stressfull night for Musical Director Stephen Maltby. Last year he forgot his specs and quickly purchased a new pair from Sainsbury`s which bore a striking resemblance to some of Elton John`s creations.
This time my memory failed me. Twenty minutes before the start of the concert, I realized I had forgot my black shoes.That`s the end of the concert for me, I thought. No way can I sneak past Colin Grout in these.
"Not to worry", my wife said, "we`ll go to Sainsbury`s!"
"Ann, I don`t mean to knock a good idea, but it`s a pair of shoes I need, not a couple of cauliflowers."
"Trust me" she said. Two words that often spell disaster for me, but after a quick dash up the aisles of fruit and veg, in a little corner, lo and behold a rack of shoes. With little time to spare, we paid and arrived at the church just before kick off. Mopping the sweat from my brow, it brought to mind a line from a poem learnt at school, `If you can keep your head when all about you are losing theirs`.
Thank you Ann, for getting me out of another scrape.
John Watson
The Dalesmen Singers were delighted to perform for the first time at the beautiful Church of St Botolph, Carlton in Cleveland on Saturday evening, June 13th. to a packed and appreciative audience.
The Church has a rather odd, but interesting history. Built in the Gothic style and from local sandstone, I`m sure it holds a myriad of fascinating stories within its stout walls, from the flooding in the 1870`s to its almost total destruction by fire in 1882, creating a monumental task of raising funds to rebuild.
Many thanks are due to Carlton residents Terry and Evelyn Cunningham - along with others – who were the driving force behind this performance and it was due to their commitment and hard work that the evening proved to be a sell out.
A marvellous night enjoyed by all and a terrific response from everyone with the amount raised topping £760 for church funds.
Thank you to everyone involved.
So, on Saturday Oct 25th , wives and partners – and some of the men – dressed in the spirit of the occasion, adding enjoyment and fun. Apart from Ann Watson leaving a trail of pink feathers from her `expensive` boa from bus to Theatre and Geoff Thrall being asked if he was `Bert` the chim p from Mary Poppins, everything ran smoothly. Sorry the photos do not do justice to the stars. Once ensconced inside, the years rolled away as everyone recalled the scenes of the `Good Old Days`era, with a great show of entertainment, crying with laughter at the genuinely funny comedians, and singing along with many well loved songs. The show was followed by a meal at the Bewleys Hotel just a short distance from the Theatre before returning to Danby.
Organised by Chairman David Harforth, and wife Nicola – both gold standard with their costumes - and it is down to the hard work of these for such a successful trip Many thanks from everyone David and Nicola for a wonderful day.
The Dalesmen Singers enjoyed playing their part in the successful Filey Music Festival week performing to a packed audience at Filey Methodist Church.
Compere and festival organiser Michael O`Brian, gave the choir a quality introduction, to which they

Dalesmen soloist`s included Colin Grout (Tenor) who sang two of my favourites:`The Holy City` made famous by the great Irish tenor Josef Locke, followed by the Walker Brothers hit of the sixties `Unchained Melody`. Whitby`s Jim Muir (Bass) sang `Ebb Tide` and `The Lost Chord`whilst Roger Sutcliffe`s Harmonica` added a beautiful touch to the well known `Last of the Summer Wine`.
For the final number `American Trilogy`, Stephen Maltby blew any lingering cobwebs off the organ and with Ann Hartley on piano and Andy Dyer conducting, the forty strong choir found full voice for a fabulous finale bringing a thoroughly deserved encore from the appreciative audience. Proceeds raised were for church funds.

The concert came from an idea muted by Mr John Ogden a long serving supporter of the RNLI and fund raiser, and Mr Ronald Crossley a member of Steeton MVC. They both came to the conclusion that Whitby would be the ideal place and St Hilda's Church, West Cliff, would provide the perfect backdrop for the Magical Musical Feast for May.
The visiting Steeton Male Voice Choir hail from Steeton which is situated between Keighley and Skipton. I had previously sung with this choir for twenty eight years, and so was delighted when Alan Clark asked me to sing with them. I thoroughly enjoyed this together with the pleasure of renewing friendships at the afterglow before their departure. Subsequently, I was very fortunate to become a member of the Dalesmen Singers Male Voice Choir when I moved to this area four years ago and have enjoyed singing with them ever since. New friendships have been formed and I am now settled in a beautiful area "twixt moor and sea" and look forward to many more years singing and socialising with the Dalesmen. At the concert, the Mixed voice choir from Uppsala in Sweden gave a very polished performance under the direction of their Musical Director Mr Carl Michael Bergerheim

The Christmas spirit was certainly in evidence at Moorsholm Memorial Hall on Saturday, 14th December as the Dalesmen Singers performed their Christmas concert to a packed and appreciative audience.
The audience enjoyed a mix of good old Christmas Carol favourites, plus The Bachelors hit record `I Believe` and `If I Ruled the World` by Harry Secombe. Variety was added by Harold Jones, Jim Muir and the choirs Musical Director Stephen Maltby as they took to the floor for solo performances, with Ann Hartley and Andy Dyer accompanists on piano.
A marvellous Moorsholm supper and raffle afterwards brought a great evening to an end, raising the grand total of £630 for Church and Chapel funds.
Many thanks to everyone who helped make it such a successful evening - John Watson
Ann Watson writes:
The hills were definitely alive with the sound of music as the Dalesmen Male Voice Choir held their annual Gala Night in the heart of the North Yorks Moor.
Entertaining a capacity crowd the Dalesmen raised the rafters of Danby Methodist Church with renditions of Alexanders Ragtime Band/Jacobs Ladder/When the saints go marching in and Morte Christe to name but a few.
The guest artist and very talented Violinist Mark Ostyn received a standing ovation, along with his superb accompanist Anthea Shepherdson, who held the audience enthralled, playing a varied programme from Beethoven, Bach, Williams Krein and others. After hearing the Gavotte in D major, a lady said afterwards “The years rolled away as I sat there. If only my legs would have let me I would have got up and danced the Gavotte” (I didn’t know it was a dance!). The Grenfell Club at Redcar was the charity supported. A past member of the choir, the late John Thompson, was a keen supporter of this club, which was started to provide a place of recreation for physically and mentally impaired children and adults for five night a week. Mr. Brian Hubbard on behalf of the club received a cheque from Mrs. Audrey Smith President of the Dalesmen (shortly celebrating her 90th Birthday). Mike Lane from Danby was presented with his special tie for 25 years in the choir. Presentation’s were also made to the Dalesmen Musical Directer Steve Maltby,Accompanist Ann Hartley, and the two guests. The evening seemed to pass all too quickly and concluded with supper served in Danby Village Hall and a total of £1291 was raised on the night. Thank you to everyone who made it such an enjoyable night.
Adrian Van Loo writes: The Dalesmen Singers Male Voice Choir held a very successful concert at Christ Church in Great Ayton, raising funds for the Great Ayton Discovery Centre. This is a local charity set up to run a community and social centre in what was the library in Great Ayton. The library closed after North Yorkshire County Council withdrew funding, but has reopened with support from over 75 volunteers.
120 people attended the concert which was conducted by Steve Maltby (Musical Director) with his usual aplomb, ably supported by Andy Dyer and solo items were performed by Colin Grout, Norman Green and Colin Easterby, with accompaniment by Steve Maltby. Although the Colin`s were able to use their own voices, Norman’s was indisposed as he used the assistance of his friend, the Bass Tuba.
Refreshments were provided at the end with over £700 raised. The audience enjoyed good singing, the choir felt well received and fed and the church hall benefited with a contribution from the proceeds and the weather proved kind for our travels.
Dave Windress writes:
The Dalesman Singers Male Voice Choir, members of which are drawn from a wide area, came over the moor from Danby, where the Choir is based for practices every Tuesday evening, to give a concert at Kirkbymoorside Methodist Chapel. This was to raise funds towards the Chapel’s major improvement scheme to include updating the kitchen, toilet and heating facilities, together with a new entrance from the main street.
The Chapel was full to capacity, no spare seats left, and a wonderful supper was provided at the end. A varied programme of songs from the shows, films and also gospel music was performed , with solos from three different choir members, which were varied and very enjoyable. A very appreciative audience commented on the wonderful choice of programme – quite a number of people said the rendering of Morte Criste (a popular male voice choir hymn) nearly brought them to tears! One comment was that this was sung equally as good as any Welsh Choir – if not slightly better! Also many comments were made on the very talented pianist, musical director and his deputy.
The event raised the sum of £727. The evening was introduced and thanked by the local Minister, Rev Norma Davey.

Concerts rarely take place on Mondays but the Dalesmen found themselves heading southwards to Scarborough on a particularly warm evening to perform at South Cliff Methodist Church in front of a sizable and appreciative audience.
The program was of standard format – a mixture of secular and sacred favourites from the choirs’ extensive repertoire interspersed with solo items and a duet.
Frank Stapleton performed the well loved “Sea Fever” – a poem by John Masefield arranged for voice and piano by John Ireland (regarded as one of the classic songs of the 20th Century vocal repertoire) and also “Shine Through My Dreams” from the Ivor Novello musical “Glamorous Night” (first performed in Drury Lane Theatre, London in 1935).
Harold Jones made his contribution with a sensitive rendering of the beautiful Welsh lullaby “Suo Gan” (written by an anonymous composer) in addition to “Wishing You Were Somehow Here Again” from Andrew Lloyd Webers’ “Phantom of the Opera”.
Colin Grout and Musical Director Steve Maltby performed the duet “Perhaps Love” written by John Denver (first released in 1981) with Steve “multi-tasking” on the keyboard.
The Dalesmen Singers MD is an accomplished Church Organist and he demonstrated his skills during several of the sacred items, allowing Deputy Conductor Andy Dyer to take over the baton. Throughout the evening our regular accompanist Ann Hartley did a “sterling” job as always – keep up the good work Ann!
The concert ended with possibly two of the most popular items, namely “Morte Christe” and “Rhythm of Life” which the choir performed with their usual gusto. Proceeds from the concert were for Church Funds and contributions towards the tea, coffee and biscuits during the interval were in aid of St Catherines Hospice., Saturday, 29th of June saw the Dalesmen Singers welcome the Marsh Ladies Choir from Huddersfield to join them in a fund raising concert at St Hildas church, Whitby.
The forty strong Marsh Ladies choir were formed in 1955, and will celebrate their Diamond Jubilee with a charity concert at Huddersfield Town Hall in October 2015.
The programme started with the Ladies and we were treated to a variety of songs from Classical, Folk and Swing, through to Jazz and popular songs from the Musicals that delighted the audience.
The Dalesmen then delivered a selection of popular, spiritual and gospel songs which were equally well received. After a short interval both choirs came together to lift the roof in a superb finale. If you weren't there you missed a treat.
A retiring collection was taken and a grand total of £419 was raised for church funds and a good time was had by all.
Ron Kerrison writes: Our concert of the 10th May, 2013 was held at a well attended St Mary`s R.C.Cathedral at Coulby Newham, a relatively new suburb of Middlesbrough.
One could not come away from the venue without a feeling of Optimism for the Future and a realization that the Future is well in hand!
Optimism that the old St Mary`s Cathedral, smitten by Centuries of industrial dust in its Sussex Street location near to the river, has given way to the most beautiful new building whose interior architecture reaches to the Heavens.
Optimism that the proceeds of our singing, amounting to £800, will be used to support the Holy Family Children`s Home in Bethlehem, that blighted town with its separation wall, unemployment and violence. There, a brighter Future is sought for 50 resident and over 70 day-care poor, orphaned and abandoned kids from all Palestinian territories.
Optimism that the Cleveland Police Band, with whom we shared the music, faced with the prospect of disbanding after losing vital funding in this Recession, determined to manage its own funding and re-emerge as the Cleveland Police COMMUNITY Band to continue its performance of charitable events. (This was not our first concert with that band. The Cleveland Police have, in the past, organised annual services of Remembrance for the families of loved-ones, killed in local road accidents.)
Oh – and Optimism that most of the Dalesmen can still get into their little- worn evening suits despite the years. The First Tenors sang particularly well!!
Nutty writes:
The concert was to raise funds for St John’s Church, Bilsdale Midcable (built in 1896), and St Hilda’s Church near Chop Gate (built in 1851 but on the site of the first medieval church in Bilsdale dating from around1122). It’s a mystery how small rural communities manage to find enough funds to keep these churches in good repair, but, in most cases, they somehow manage to do it, and it’s a pleasure for the Dalesmen Singers to help out in some small way.
It was good to see the car park looking full on our arrival (always a hopeful sign!) and by the start of the concert at 7.30pm, every seat seemed to be taken and an audience of around 100 were ready for us to begin.
We were soon ‘up and running’ with the idealistic ‘Anthem’ from the musical Chess and ‘If I ruled the World’ (“every day would be the first day of spring” – and about blooming time!), followed by the chirpy ‘Song for All People’, the latter very much harmony with the philosophy of the Dalesmen Singers.
The following traditional Negro Spiritual ‘Jacob’s Ladder’ with the refrain ‘We are climbing higher, higher’ reminds me of the higher windows that need cleaning and painting now spring has finally arrived!
Two solos from the dulcet tones of the base singer Jim Muir were followed by “The Collier’s Requiem” from “Fell ‘Em Doon”, a lovely meditation on the demise of the mining industry in the North-East, but the words are not sorrowful and look forward optimistically with lines such as “ Don’t look back, move further up the track ...”
The somewhat reflective song of unrequited love “Walk away” was followed by the “My Heart Will Go On”, a beautiful gentle lilting meditation on love, and the love theme from the film Titanic (though apparently only heard when the credits roll at the inevitable end!).
A decisive change of mood brought the first half to a rousing end with “Alexander’s Ragtime Band” with lots of ‘bom-ing along’ at the start, followed by sections of ‘swing’?, definitely ‘ragtime’, multiple high precision ‘entries’, and lots of other ‘band noises’, thank God for having the score on this number!
The second half was sung without scores! Always a challenge! But the two opening numbers, both spirituals, namely “Give That Old Time Religion” and “Every Time I feel the Spirit”, are pretty easy to negotiate. This ‘gospel’ singing was followed in a similar vein with “Shepherd, Shepherd”, all about lost sheep, a metaphor for mankind, but we didn’t get lost in a song very appropriate to the landscape in which we sang!
The somewhat sombre Welsh hymn “Gwahoddiad” was followed by two solos from the lovely wide ranging tenor voice of Harold Jones. From “You Raise Me Up” (lots of repetition of the same phrases, handy!) we moved onto “I dreamed a Dream”, a song of ‘lost love’ from the musical Les Miserable.
We seem to perform “When the saints Go Marching In” in a fine controlled raucous manner, somewhat ‘unsaintly’ perhaps, but how else should it be sung?, the dynamics are almost everything, but a high proportion of correct notes helps too!
The finale to the concert could not have juxtaposed two more contrasting pieces! Prior to the thanks from our host, we sang the beautiful choral meditation “When I Survey the Wondrous Cross” to the tune of Morte Christi, a moving piece and reflection on the ultimate value of life.
Finally, the ‘Rhythm of Life”, at a breathless breakneck speed. On a personal note - are we doing this faster and faster or am I just getting older and older? I am now approaching in excess of 90% of the words and hope to reach close to 100% by the end of the year! When we reach the line “Like a Pied Piper blowing, Lead and keep the music flowing …” I do my best to follow by fellow ‘elders and betters’, but some of the ‘go go go’s just before “You will make a new sensation …” didn’t quite make it, but I ‘sense’ I’m heading in the right direction! And all of this performed to the ‘dynamic demonic duo’ of Anne Hartley and Steve Maltby on keyboard, phew!!!
There was a general feeling that our first concert of the 2013 concert went pretty well and certainly the audience seem to appreciate our efforts and some quite moved by our renditions of “Morte Criste” and “My Heart Will Go On”.
Dalesmen - Castleton Ladies Joint Charity Concert November 2012
Peter Etwell (Baritone) writes: - and see more photos by Ann Watson in the Photo Gallery
The Dalesmen Singers joined forces with the Castleton “Singing for Pleasure” Ladies Choir for this concert at St Leonards Church in Loftus on Friday 16 November. Musical Director Stephen Maltby took the Dalesmen through five pieces - “Anthem” from Chess to Alexander’s Ragtime Band. Ann accompanied us but then gave way to Andy who played for the ladies. Their leader is Barbara Anderson wife of our new Treasurer Mike. The ladies performed Dona Nobis Pacem - even we could remember the words to this; Suo-Gan, a Welsh folk song which our star soloist Harold often sings. Louise Hill from Danby played the violin during this piece. They closed their first half with In Paradisum from Requiem by Karl Jenkins.
After the interval our pieces had a rather religious flavour and we proved that we still need to learn the words – well, some of us at least. We closed with a rousing Gwahoddiad. The ladies came back with an unusual female drinking song - Here’s a Health to all Good Lasses; Adiemus; Someone to watch over me (Gershwin) and Bridge over Troubled Water (Paul Simon).
We closed with two Joint pieces – As long as I have Music & The Heavens are Telling from Haydn’s Creation - the soloists in this were Sally Wilson (Gabriel), Jim Muir (Raphael) & Harold Jones (Uriel).
Afterwards there were refreshments in the adjacent, Loftus Town Hall and thanks go to all those who helped to make the evening a resounding success. All proceeds from the evening in aid of Charities supported by Loftus Town Mayor and St Leonards Church.
The Danby Methodist Chapel was buzzing during the time prior to the start. People filling the pews – Dignitaries, Church Leaders, grandparents, parents, a few teenagers and some youngsters, and friends catching up with the news. There seemed to be excitement in the air.
In they came, single file, green and yellow, with Ann green and glamorous at the piano. Then conductor Steve splendid in fresh white jacket and neat hair trim.This choir always sings a good National Anthem, a great start. Thank You for the Music got my feet tapping. Anthem from Chess did nothing for me – did not hold my interest. I think the sound was not varied enough. If I Ruled the World was better and the words clearer.
Now the guest artists, Jaime Wright, Bass with Mark Hutchinson, accompanist. What a treat to behold these two good looking young men. They both gain musical education at the University of York. This proximity means we might be able to invite them again. I hope so. The first half was music which I class high brow, classical and operatic. The voice and the accompanist were impressive. It was a learning curve for me. How does a young, slim fellow who looks like a tenor produce such a mature, rich bass sound.
We approved his “Hi Mum” greeting to his parents sitting at the centre of the church. It was understood that they had had a long journey from Norfolk to reach the concert.
“Rise Mighty Monarch” was favourite with me. One could imagine a harpsichord sound – made possible by the great accompanying of Mark Hutchinson. The last item before the interval was a great surprise – an aria from Italian Opera which would waken up anyone dropping off. It was an amazing shake up with those shouts and whistles.
Follow that! from Conductor Steve Yes, I felt the same.Dalesmen sang:- She’s Like a Swallow – It was gentle and had feeling of the countryside – lovely. Collier’s Requiem – a favourite of mine. Made me want to join in. It was beautiful. and sad.Alexander’s Ragtime Band – A good cheering performance. Interval. Shepherd, Shepherd – An old favourite which always appeals.
Give Me that Old Time Religion - Dare I say it? Someone sang an extra note. I wonder if Steve noticed. It was a Bass.You Raise Me Up – Was sung with great gusto.
Guest Artists:- Demonstrated their versatility and familiar pieces received prolonged applause.They performed:-Sea Fever – John Ireland, poem by John MasefieldThe Vagabond – Ralph Vaughan -Williams, Poem by Robert Louis StevensonSomething’s Coming – West Side Story Bring Him Home – les Miserables - For me this was the very best; heart stopping I Am the Very Model of a Modern Major General – Pirates of Penzance.Ol’ Man River – Show Boat
Dalesmen Sang:-Jacob’s Ladder – I like to hear a choir singing softly and gradually changing the sound. They managed it really well – all eyes on conductor."I Dreamed a Dream – In this, feeling came over convincingly." Gwahoddiah - Another old favourite
After the Performance Colin Pearson spoke about the Motor Neurone Disease Association which will benefit from the receipts of this concert.
A Dalesman’s wife
The Dalesmen Singers and the visiting Macclesfield Male Voice Choir joined forces for a great evening of music and song at St Hilda`s Church, West Cliff, Whitby, on Saturday night, August 18th.
The audience were kept totally absorbed throughout a lively, sometimes touching, often humorous, but always entertaining two hour performance with the varied repertoire. The evening was brought to a close as the choirs joined to sing the beautiful `Speed your Journey` from Nabucco, and `Morte Criste`(When I Survey the Wondrous Cross).
A fitting end to a marvellous night. Refreshments were provided for choir members, before Macclesfield MVC returned to Scarborough in readiness for a performance at South Cliff Methodist Church the next day.
Note about the MMVC from their website: The Macclesfield Male Voice Choir was established in 1955 and currently has over 60 members, from all walks of life. The atmosphere, camaraderie and fellowship within the choir are unparalleled and there is a very warm welcome for any male, who need not necessarily read music, to join the choir provided they have a love and enthusiasm for singing. Wehave toured the United Kingdom from Edinburgh to Brixham via Carmarthen while, internationally, we have visited Canada, Ireland, Germany, Denmark and the Czech Republic. In 2006 the choir achieved a Bronxe Award at the Prague Festival of Advent Music and in 2011 won the Male Voice competition at the Isle of Man Festival of Choirs. We have a varied repertoire consisting of songs from operas and popular musicals, spirituals and traditional male voice pieces, including sacred music. The choir has produced 2 CDs
Past haunts and old friends were revisited by The Dalesmen on their recent
threeday concert tour, June 15th/18th, in Holland.The flight from Leeds-Bradford airport proved pleasant, although leather helmets and goggles were not to everyone`s taste. Ron K remarked on not much leg room in the gun turret. Sunshine beamed down on arrival in Amsterdam. With only a short trip to Amersfoort , the meticulous planning by David (the beloved) and wife Nicola soon had everyone settled.
Dutch passion for football runs high and with European cup involvement, orange flags adorned many areas on the road to Soest for the concert with the Apollo MVC.
The quick change into uniform following an enjoyable afternoon of hospitality by the Apollo proved a little too quick. Jackets, jumpers, even coat hangers – nothing more personal - changed hands, before all emerged correctly dressed from the bus.
The 70 strong Apollo`s repertoire included the rousing `Land of Hope and Glory` and `Toreador` before the Dalesmen brought their own performance to a superb finale with `American Trilogy`. A standing ovation from a packed, enthusiastic audience, proved pretty special.
Steve Harrison, son of the late Bill Harrison, a great stalwart of the choir for many years, proved in cracking form on CD sales. His good ol` Egton Bridge charm, assured the `Sound of the Dales` would echo around Soest for quite a while.
A short travel Sunday morning to the beautiful little village of Nieuwkoop. Following Sunday service in the Dutch Reform Church, a concert was held and Harold Jones, Tenor and Colin Easterby, Bass, gave their usual, masterful performances
A friendship rekindled for John and Jean Lamerton. After the second boat trip, Herma Budding asked if John and Jean were on tour as she and her friend Els stayed with them twenty years ago as members of a visiting choir. After learning they were on the first trip, Herma went in search and finally met for a touching reunion.
A great weekend enjoyed by all and thanks to all who put so much work into the trip.
A ROVING... (Ron Kerrison writes)
It is debatable which is the shortest route from Danby to Snape – westwards via the Atlantic, or eastwards via the Indian Ocean .
The intrepid Dalesmen opted for the Westward and, by judicious sharing of vehicles, assembled the Second Fleet and headed off towards Northallerton, losing land shortly after Bedale, and heading into the uncharted fields of deepest and most beautiful Lower Wensleydale.
I say Second Fleet because we had visited Snape once only and over 20 years ago, As then, so now -– Leonard Abel had sold umpteen score of tickets and had guaranteed a Full House. Unfortunately it has taken us 20 years to work out how to get back there.
( Editor interjects, “Leonard reminded us so very much of his brother Barry Abel, a Founder Member, who was ever the left-hand marker in the front row, opened his folder but never looked at it, so very well did he know his music. It was good to see that his wife June was in the audience”)
Ship’s log reads “Long John Heywood, our Concert Sec. and scout, up in the Crow’s Nest missed it but his parrot espied Snape and, screeching “Cor! Anglais!” betrayed his London Cockney French origin.”
We hoved to and dropped anchor outside the Methodist mission, which was filled to the gunnels above and below decks and into the rear room.
It is no exaggeration to state (-and I am a Crinkley of 27 years in the choir) that our performance was one of the best ever, in no small measure due to Steve’s decision to dispense with music; and so encouraging is he with our raw recruits. Colin Easterby and Harold Jones filled the Solo slots and well in excess of £1000 was collected for charitable causes.
(Editor interjects, “On a more serious level, our first visit had been shortly after the untimely death of Alan Littlefair. Fortunately his widow Mary was seen in the audience and the planned song “Oh Mary, don’t you weep” was, of course, abandoned. I would stress that, by such anecdotes, happy or sad, Time is measured, in our family of choristers.")
Back to the mariners. The return voyage was a disaster. Ship’s Log reads, “Long John was eaten by a Boys’ Band in Tahiti. The entire Tenor section was boiled in a pot in Samoa , reaching top C shortly after the salt was added. Captain Maltby signed on to a correspondence course entitled “How to tuck in your shirt before concerts”. The baritones however finally succeeded in singing all four verses of “A-Roving” in the correct order without omission, repetition or deviation.
It is hoped that the remaining choir members will find their way back in time for the October Gala.

The rendition of `There is Nothing Like a Dame` saw the irrepressible Steve Maltby, leading the Dalesmen with a fantastic mime routine that added a marvellous dash of humour to the evening. Part way through the final number `American Trilogy,` Steve and Andy performed an impromptu double act, Steve skipping from conducting to organ and Andy from piano to conducting, the audience thoroughly enjoying the moment.The finale `Speed Your Journey` sung by all, needed the Dalesmen at their best to be heard above the all ladies choirs. Steve`s advice, “don`t hold back, or you will not be heard” was taken. From the response of the audience, I`m sure it worked.
The Dalesmen Singers and their guests, The Shiney Row Male Voice Choir from Houghton le spring put together a varied and enjoyable programme of song for an enthusiastic audience at Danby Methodist Chapel on Saturday 5th May.The choirs and audience were guided through the evening by Musical Directors Steve Maltby and Stephen Wroe, and ably backed by Andy Dyer. Accompanists for the night were Ann Hartley and Robert Chicken. The concert opened with joint pieces, the lively `With a Voice of singing` and `Anthem` from Chess, followed by Shiney Row’s poignant arrangement of `One Moment in Time` made famous by the late Whitney Houston, and a touch of nostalgia for many with a compilation of `Swing` numbers that were well received.
The spiritual element included a rousing `Every Time I feel the Spirit` and a favourite of many in the audience `Jacobs Ladder.` And what better way to close the evening than a powerful rendition from both choirs of the Mickey Newbury arranged `American Trilogy` which Elvis Presley brought to prominence.A successful night, and hopefully another joint effort can be arranged in the future.Following the concert a marvellous supper and raffle were provided for choir members and partners in Danby Village Hall..
The Dalesmen Singers proved in fine voice, when performing at a `Choral Spectacular of Massed Voices` organised by the North East group of the National Association of Choirs in the marvellous, acoustically engineered setting of the Sage, Gateshead on Saturday, April 28th.
The extravaganza included 27 choirs and over 700 singers and saw the capacity audience enjoy an exciting, ‘goosebump raising’ night of music and song compared by the well known broadcaster Marian Foster who did a marvellous job in keeping the evening rolling. It was a fabulous setting to see and hear the largest gathering of choirs ever in the Sage which was enjoyable and at time moving for both participants and audience.
Favourites from an eclectic programme of song included `Fields of Gold,` `I Believe` and a lively `Rhythm of Life` from the mixed choirs and the beautiful `Time to Say Goodbye` from the Massed Ladies choirs. It was great moment for the Dalesmen when Steve Maltby strode on stage to lead the massed male voice choirs in `A Portrait of my Love`. The MV choirs brought the production toward its finale with a thunderous `Let There be Light` and `American Trilogy`, before everyone, including the enthusiastic, appreciative audience, participated in bringing the curtain down on a superb night of entertainment with the ever popular, rousing version of `Jerusalem.` A great night enjoyed by all!
The Dalesmen Singers gave their first concert of 2012 at St Hilda`s Church, Whitby on Saturday March 31st. Keen and in good voice, the choir gave a full night`s entertainment of music and song and the audience responded marvellously throughout. First half solo performances included Ron Kerrison, baritone, with `Vienna, City of my Dreams` and `Try to Remember,` organ solo by Steve Maltby, `Sortie in D.`After a short interval Colin Easterby, bass, sang two Negro Spiritual songs written by the great Paul Robeson, `Water Boy` a song evolving from the early convict days in America and `River Stay Away From my Door`. This was followed by tenor, Harold Jones with `Suo Gan`, a beautiful Welsh Lullaby and `My Life Flows On`, a very touching moment as Harold dedicated this last song to members of the choir who passed away this last year .
The choir`s repertoire included the foot tapping and lively `Every Time I Feel the Spirit`, `Nothing like a Dame` and `The Saints go Marching in` finally signing off for the night after their fifteen song performance with a rousing rendition of `American Trilogy`.
A marvellous night for Jane Hall and all her hard working team who supported her in bringing everything together. The £350 raised now means the target has been reached and the Malawi Bore Hole Project can now go ahead.
The Dalesmen Singers proved in excellent voice for the final, hectic run-up to Christmas with a series of Carol Concerts: Sunday, Dec 11th saw them perform at Castleton Village Hall where many old favourites were sung, along with some relatively new, among them the `Stable Cave Carol` written specially for the Dalesmen Singers by Castleton`s Reverend Clive Artley, with musical arrangement by the Choirs Musical Director Stephen Maltby. Soloists were Jim Muir, who added a splendid dash of humour with the classic `Carol Singers’ which the audience loved and Hinderwell`s Colin Easterby. Big man, big voice, his deep, rich tone enthralling everyone with a rendition of `A Child is Born.` A great night with a total in the region of £100 raised for Village Hall funds.A combined Carol Concert followed on Dec 13th with Skelton Primary School Choir at Skelton Church. Good support on the night, the children of the choir proving exceptionally talented, as the carols `True Colours` and `White Christmas,` were accompanied with appropriate sign language. Two lively numbers followed, one of which `Putting Baubles on the Christmas Tree` appeared to be their favourite. A total of £224 was raised in aid of Skelton Primary School and the School Choir.The magnificent setting of St Hilda`s Church, Whitby on Dec 16th proved a fitting finale as the Dalesmen Singers performed in company with the Tuesday Singers, Caedmon School Choir and a superb Brass Quintet. The collection was in aid of the Cardiac Unit at James Cook University Hospital. With Musical Director Stephen Maltby unable to conduct the choir, an enthusiastic and versatile Andy Dyer from Castleton has stepped splendidly into the role until such time as Stephen is fit again.
On Friday evening 23rd September Danby Village Hall was full of Dalesmen Singers, their wives and past members.
Not in itself an unusual occurrence – but this was different. The occasion was a Dinner to celebrate the 40th Anniversary of this most well-known and respected of choirs. It’s amazing what can come out of a conversation in a pub, and it was just such a conversation 40 years ago, in the Duke of Wellington pub in Danby, which led to the formation of the Dalesmen Singers Male Voice Choir.
Everyone was welcomed by the choir’s President, Audrey Smith. The excellent food, provided by Lillie’s Caterers, was enjoyed to the background of the wonderful Danesgarth Quartet playing a range of music from the Classical Repertoire. And, just in case there was any danger of a lull between courses, the conjurer Mike Smith went from table to table amazing everyone with his entertaining and mind-boggling tricks. Applause when the string quartet finished a piece was supplemented by spontaneous bursts of clapping as Mike performed yet another impossible piece of magic.
The hall was transformed for the occasion and proved to be a most fitting venue for the event. A specially assembled Exhibition displaying moments in the history of the Dalesmen was perused with great interest throughout the evening.
As the meal grew to a close the Anniversary cake was brought in, and the choir’s Chairman, Jim Muir, invited the President to cut the cake. Jim then gave a vote of thanks to all those who had worked so hard to make the occasion a success, with special thanks to the President and to those guests who attended. He read out messages of congratulations from past members who were unable to attend, including one from Joe Easley (the choir’s first Chairman), one from Peter Spencer (the first Secretary) and one from Walter Hartley (the first Treasurer).
The evening came to a fitting close with presentations to three long-serving members of the choir. First, Ray West received a ‘25 years’ tie. Then came the time for two founder members, Colin Grout and John Thompson, to be presented with their ‘40 years’ ties in recognition of their continuous service right from the beginning. There was, however a note of sadness; the much loved Bill Harrison, also a founder member, had died a few months ago.
The celebrations continue with the 40th Anniversary Gala Night concert on Saturday 15th October. This begins at 7.30pm in Danby Methodist Chapel, with refreshments afterwards in Danby Village Hall. The guest artiste is internationally acclaimed opera singer Suzannah Clarke. This should prove to be a memorable evening, and a rare opportunity to hear this fine singer, who was born and brought up in Middlesbrough. It is also an opportunity to support this year’s charity for the event, the Cystic Fibrosis Trust.
(prior to the summer break Andy Dyer writes:)
The long and winding road:
Our Summer season ended with the most wonderful experience of singing in the Methodist Church at Newton on Rawcliffe. The journey there tested our navigating skills, and, despite the fact that we all managed to arrive in good time, this delightful church was already packed full! The next challenge that faced us was that of the proverbial ‘quart into a pint pot’ as we juggled our variously shaped bodies into the available space. But we made it, and were given a most wonderful reception.
And afterwards? Well, what a feast of culinary delights awaited us in the Village Hall!
An old friend re-visited:
Just one week before the Newton on Rawcliffe concert the Dalesmen Singers were delighted to have been asked back to St Mary’s Church Hall in Nunthorpe – after a gap of more than 25 years.
The initiative for this came from Ruth Dowey, the sister of a founder member of the choir, Harry Williamson. It was such a pleasure for the choir to be able to renew its connection with St Mary’s, and it was clear that this feeling was shared by the audience.
And now….
After our summer break it is time to oil the voices again ready for the concerts leading up to Christmas. We have been working on new songs, and have a number of new members of the choir, so the next few months promise to be as stimulating as ever.
Maybe the snow will be kinder to us this year for our Christmas concerts!
It had already been a great afternoon. The Dalesmen tour guides had revealed a sun-drenched Whitby to our wonderful guests for the day and now I waited with the other suitably uniformed merry men in green and grey, for the concert to get under way.
The venue was attracting a decent sized audience as the Dalesmen played a game of pew-shuffling before proceedings got under way. As everything settled down nicely and His Worship the Mayor of Whitby took his seat close to the front, the men's and women's choruses of Cantabile strode up the church swiftly in their black and grey uniforms to do the first of two long but exceedingly wonderful sets.
The opening piece - ' Requiem' by Eliza Gylykson was both beautiful, atomospheric and very moving conveyed so harmoniously by the combined choir, lined up in immaculate order on the chancel steps. (An emotional piece, written about the loss and grief particularly of parents after the tragedy of the tsunami which killed so many people in Asia six years ago). This piece set the amazingly high standard of performance and musical direction which was to follow; as the choir continued through their excellent first half programme, with pieces by Charles V. Stanford - 'Magnificat' - Sergei Rachmaninoff's 'Bergodise Djevo' ('All Night Vigil') and Ralph Vaughan Williams - 'O Clap Your Hands'.
My favourites in this section were the Gylykson, Stanford and Rachmaninoff pieces, but everything was performed to such a superb standard that you were left in awe of the brilliance of singing and the exacting standards of the musical director, Dr Sirett. - So, the atompshere was set, the audience rightly appreciative of a fantastic start to this concert.
This was to be further enhanced by what was still to come in this section with the following secular pieces - Sleep (Eric Whitacre), for me this was the pick of the following pieces as most Dalesmen around me seemed to concur. It was brilliantly delivered, atmospheric and entracing in equal measure and a great credit to all concerned in it's delivery. 'Hallelujah' (by Leonard Cohen) and 'We'll Rise Again' (Leon Dubinsky) rounded off a really polished and uplifting performance from our guests. This was some concert! And still more to come from them.
The Dalesmen took their places knowing that only their best performance could repsond appropriately and their opening contrasting response was, 'Nothing Like a Dame' by Rogers and Hammerstein from South Pacific. We then moved on to sacred pieces 'Give me that old time religion', 'Guahoddiah' and 'Oh When the Saints'. Cantabile were noticeably as appreciative of our first half performance as we had been of theirs and so it seemed were the rest of the audience also. This programme had worked very well so far, would the balance continue in the second half?
The Dalesmen took their places to begin the second half programme. 'Jacob's ladder', helped us show our versitility as aplp MVC and this was expanded further when, 'Tebe poem (We praise thee)' by Bortninsky was sung completely in Russian which contrasted well with the powerful 'Morte Criste' by Emrys Hughs. Our finale in the Dalesmen section was the upbeat 'Rhythm of Llife' (Fields/Colman) cleverly completed with panache by us all, including Anne Hartley our Accompanist and Steve Maltby our MD doubling up on the piano with Anne. More jubilant and appreciative applause rang out from the audience as Cantabile began their swift return to centre stage (steps) to continue the pleasure .
A second half split greeted us when Cantabile had resumed positions as the ladies section began the second half with the lovely 'Circles of Motion' by Bob Chilcott followed by the moving, and ever colder feel of 'Frobisher Bay', brilliantly spell-bidingly delivered so that the shivers crept down your spine as the song progressed. The sad but lovely arrangement of 'The Leaving of Liverpool' was that of Dr Sirett himself which ended the ladies' only section. The men of Catabile followed this up with 'Confirma hoc, Deus by Jacob Handl. This was followed by the lively and uplifting syncapation of 'Fogartys Cove' (Stan Rogers) and the well know Irish Folk classic -'The Wild Rover' arranged again by Dr Mark Sirett.
What variety, what range, what quality of performance. The combined choir's concentration, timing attention to quality of delivery, combined with superb accompaniment and musical direction meant that everyone fortunate enough to experience this concert, could not in any way have gone home disappointed. I regard it as a privilege to have sung in the same concert as the Dalesmen and was sad only that I could not get hold immediatly, of a copy of Cantabile's CD I enjoyed the whole concert so much, that I and many others would love to repeat it as soon as possible! Not only do the Dalesmen agree, but it seems the ladies and gentlemen of Cantabile do also - So in Kingston Ontario, or Whitby, North Yorkshire - Bring it on A.S.A.P!
The Dalesmen Singers were warmly welcomed at the Methodist Church Hough Lane Wombwell by members of the Church and past members of the Wombwell Main MVC and enjoyed the delicious tea awaiting them. Vice Chairman Phil Hunton thanked the ladies for the tea which all enjoyed. The Dalesmen Singers first visit to Wombwell Main MVC was in 1985 and from 1986 visits between the 2 choirs continued on an alternate yearly pattern until 2007 when the Wombwell Main MVC closed down. After tea some of the members walked to work off the extra tea eaten and others enjoyed talking over the many happy times of singing together and the hospitality shared. After a short rehearsal in Church the Dalesmen sang to a full church who were very generous in their support. Soloists were Jim Muir, Roger Sutcliffe and Colin Grout and Stephen Maltby sang a duet.
The choir were conducted by Musical Director Stephen Maltby and the accompanist was Barbara Anderson who kindly stepped in to help us. A former choir member thanked the Dalesmen Singers for a great evening of song and Jim Muir responded on behalf of the Dalesmen.
Seamer Methodist Church near Scarborough was full for the visit of the Dalesmen on April 2nd and they enjoyed a varied selection of song from the choir directed by Stephen Maltby, Musical Director and accompanied by Ann Hartley. Soloists were John Haywood playing the Cor Anglais with Stephen Maltby playing the piano accompanyment. He also accompanied Colin Grout, tenor soloist and sang a duet with Colin and played the organ when accompanist for a bass solo from Jim Muir.The Choir were thanked by Ron Ward and Jim Muir expressed the choirs thanks for the warm reception they had received and after all enjoyed refreshments kindly provided by the Church members
Gala Night Concert Raises £1200 for Scarborough Hospital Chemotherapy Unit
A wonderful evening of entertainment was enjoyed by all who attended the Dalesmen Singers Gala Night Concert in Danby Methodist Chapel on Saturday 16th October. Dalesmen Chairman John Haywood welcomed the civic dignitaries and local clergy guests before handing the proceedings over to Stewart Mc Farlane who was to be Master of Ceremonies for the evening. The Dalesmen Singers began the concert with three songs led by Musical Director Stephen Maltby and accompanied by Ann Hartley, two of the opening pieces were from Les Miserable, solo spots were taken by Phil Hunton, Alan Jones and Joe Laws. Stewart then introduced guest artist Paul Hudson our guest artist for the evening the renowned Yorkshire bass singer. Paul is well known throughout the world for his operatic performances. Appearances at the Royal Festival Hall, the Royal Albert Hall and other major concert venues have established Paul as a leading exponent of the bass repertoire.Paul was accompanied on the piano by Keith Swallow equally well known for his performances throughout this country, Europe and the USA. Paul’s programme for the evening included Songs from popular opera’s from Rossini and Verdi, spirituals, Rogers and Hammerstein, ‘Rich Man’ from Fiddler on the Roof and some of the old bass numbers ‘A Policemen’s lot is not a happy one’, ‘The Hippopotamus Song’ and ‘Tit Willow’ all with audience participation. A thoroughly entertaining programme was enjoyed by all. The Dalesmen sang in both halves Paul joining with them in ‘Gwahoddiah’ and ‘You raise me up’. Harold Jones sang a solo spot in ‘How great thou art’.At the end of the concert presentations were made to the Guest artists, MC, Musical director Steve and to Ann the accompanist by retiring choir Chairman John Haywood .John Lamerton who is a member of the choir accepted a cheque on behalf of the Chemotherapy Unit received treatment as a cancer sufferer over a few years. Mr Bill Harrison the choir’s Vice President presented a cheque to the value of £ 1189 for the work of the unit. Bill then presented a tie to Choir member Ron Kerrison to commemorate 25 years as a choir member.The audience moved over to the village hall to enjoy supper.
A Dalesmen Singers concert on Saturday 5th June in St Nicholas Parish Church at Guisborough successfully raised over £1100 for the ‘Help the Heroes Charity’. The concert was arranged by the Old Guisborian 7793 Freemasons Lodge and Keith Riches welcomed the choir. The photo shows the choir in their new yellow shirts!
The Dalesmen Singers were led by Musical Director Steve Maltby and accompanied by Ann Hartley. The choir sang a varied programme with solo spots taken by Jim Muir who sang the ‘Lost Chord’, Colin Grout and Steve Maltby sang the John Denver favourite ‘Perhaps Love’with Steve on the piano. Steve gave an organ solo as well as accompanying the choir in a number of pieces on the organ during which John Haywood conducted the choir.
A vote of thanks was given by Keith Riches on behalf of the Lodge and by choir Chairman John Haywood on behalf of the choir.
Joint Concert with ‘Apollo’ Men’s Choir from Soest in The Netherlands.
St Hilda’s Church on the West Cliff at Whitby resounded to the sound of 90 Male voices when the Dalesmen Singers welcomed the ‘Apollo’ Male Voice Choir from Soest in Holland to perform in a joint concert on Friday 28th May. The visiting choir were welcomed by Dalesmen Singers Chairman John Haywood and then began the concert with seven songs including Cantique de Jean Racine by Faure and an arrangement of Tulips from Amsterdam arranged by Hans van Rutten. The choir were led by their Musical Director Hans van Rutten and accompanied by Marius van der Kuijl. This was followed by a piano solo of Grieg’s ‘Wedding Day at Troldhaugen’ played by Marius a very talented pianist. The Dalesmen performed six pieces conducted by Steve Maltby and accompanied by Ann Hartley. The Dalesmen began the second half of the program with favourites that included Rhythm of Life and You raise me up. The ‘Apollo’ sang their second set of songs and were joined by the Dalesmen Singers to sing three joint pieces finishing with Morte Criste.The Apollo’s Chairman Jos Sesink then gave a vote of thanks and presented the Dalesmen with gifts and extended an invitation for the choir to visit Soest.

It was good to welcome the Shiney Row Male Voice Choir over to Castleton for what has become an annual get together. The Dalesmen ladies prepared a tea forthe visiting choir which was appreciated and enjoyed.On Saturday night at St Michael & St George Church,Castleton a large audience was treated to a concert by 60 male voices. The Dalesmen Singers were entertaining their friends the Shiney Row Male Voice Choir and performing a concert with them. The two choirs gave individual performances from their repertoires as well as singing a number of pieces together. The visiting choir were led by their musical director Stephen Wroe and accompanied by Bob Chicken. The Dalesmen were led by Steve Maltby and accompanied by Ann Hartley. Steve also accompanied two of the joint songs on the church organ.After the concert the choirs made their way to Castleton village hall for supper and to socialise. It was a pleasure to meet up again through the common interest derived from the love of singing. We look forward to meeting in the future.
The Dalesmen Singers Ladies Night 2009:
Yes, unanimously voted a great night out by one and all at the Kings Head Roseberry-under-Topping. Good company, good food and great entertainment from that old friend of the Dalesmen, the renouned broadcaster, raconteur and singer of Fetters fame, Stewart Mcfarlane - accompanied by the talented Alan on accordian. In all there were 45 in the party including our President Audrey and everyone had a good time: We ate and drank; Stewart sang and told a few stories; we all joined in; Bill got to his feet, told a story and then buoyed by success told two more! Not to be outdone, Ron then added to this. A very happy evening in true Dalesmen style at the end of which all the Ladies were given a prettily wrapped gift. Great organisation, Colin.
On Saturday 7th November the Dalesmen Singers Male Voice Choir performed in a concert at Sneaton Castle, Whitby, to raise funds for the Marie Curie Nursing Charity. Along with the choir young music students from Caedmon School, Whitby entertained the audience with instrumental solos’. They showed off their talents individually and as a group with impressive performances that showed tremendous potential for the future.
The Dalesmen Singers philosophy is to encourage young people in their enjoyment and participation of music. (See photo gallery for more pics) Mr Michael Streets, the regional organizer of the Marie Curie Charity gave a vote of thanks to those taking part and those attending and was delighted to receive £443. He described the work carried out in the region by the charity. The Dalesmen Singers have now raised over £4,500 for a number of different charities during the last 12 months.
The Choir’s Gala Night Concert at Danby Methodist Chapel on 17 th October was introduced by Stewart McFarlane MBE and featured guest artist Vincent Billington the internationally renowned pianist from Scarborough. Vincent treated the audience to an excellent programme of piano music laced with his humour. The choir led by Steve Maltby and accompanied by Ann Hartley sang a programme of songs from their repertoire. The concert raised £1,178.50. for the Esk Valley Lifeline Charity. Choir President Mrs Audrey Smith presented a cheque to Dr Giles Horner who explained about the work of the charity. The Esk Valley Lifeline provides equipment and aids which would not be available through the NHS. This allows people to be managed more comfortably in their own homes. Giles gave a vote of thanks to the Dalesmen Singers for choosing the charity as their designated charity for the Gala Evening. The evening concluded with supper in the village hall.
A Dalesmen Singers visit to Masham began with a visit tothe Black Sheep Brewery. A tour of the brewery which included sampling their wares was very interesting and may account for this blurry photograph. At the conclusion of the tour the choir sang Shepherd, Shepherd, an appropriate song for the occasion, the song Steve calls the ‘Danby National Anthem’. A wonderful tea was provided by the ladies of the Methodist Church in Masham for the choir and their ladies. In the evening the Dalesmen Singers gave a concert to an enthusiastic audience to raise money for the church Restoration Fund. Over £800 was raised and a good time had by one and all.
The Dalesmen Singers continued their 2009 programme with a visit to Shiney Row Male Voice Choir. They performed a joint concert at Holy Trinity Church, High Ulsworth, Washington, Tyne & Wear. The two choirs met up when the Shiney Row MVC invited the Dalesmen Singers to take part in their 50 Year Anniversary Celebration in Durham Cathedral last October along with eight other choirs. The Dalesmen had the opportunity to visit the Washington country park and climb up to the Penshaw Monument which looks over the surrounding Tyne and Wear area. More photographs of this trip can be seen by clicking on the photogallery button below.
The Dalesmen Singers have just returned from a visit to the Lake District . The trip came about after one of the Dalesmen met a member of the Keswick ‘Mountain Singers’ while on a bowling trip to Keswick. The choirs made contact and a concert was arranged for 25 th April in the local Methodist Church . The Dalesmen took the opportunity of making it a social weekend taking wife’s and partners with them. Accommodation was arranged at the Keswick Country House Hotel and we were very well looked after. Saturday was a day to take the opportunity of seeing the area, some of the group climbed a mountain, others a walk around Derwentwater the rest took the coach to Windermere and enjoyed a cruise on the lake.At the concert on Saturday evening the Dalesmen Singers sang to a full church and were joined by the Mountain singers in two songs. Soloists were Jim Muir, Colin Grout and Steve Maltby and Steve also played two solo pieces on the church organ.The Dalesmen’s guest accompanist for the concert was Andy Dyer of Castleton. His father a very sprightly 94 year old sings with the Mountain Singers. Also present at the concert was the president of the Keswick choir who is in his hundredth year and Mrs Audrey Smith president of the Dalesmen Singers. The concert raised £458 which was shared between the Mountain Singers and the Church.Returning home on Sunday via Ullswater over Kirkstone Pass we enjoyed the magnificent scenery and weather, stopping off at Rheghed for lunch and arriving home at Danby late afternoon