1: Alan Jones resigns as a singing member of the choir

2: Danby Village Hall Christmas Fair 2019


3: Gala Night 2019


4: Joint concert with Manhatten Voices 2019 (at St Hedda's July 13th 2019)
A superb concert with Manhatten Voices - they were terrific!

The Dalesmen giving it some welly

The new appearance in black and with blue bow tie

5: St Mathews Grosmont June 8th 2019
John Watson writes:
The Dalesmen Singers Male Voice Choir were delighted to have Naomi Fester as their guest artiste for an evening of music and song at St Mathews Church, Grosmont, on Saturday, June 8th.
Naomi, a confident and supremely talented fifteen-year-old pupil of Caedmon School, Whitby, is currently studying music and her talent really shone through in front of the appreciative audience, delighting all with two marvellously relaxed and polished performances. This well-travelled young lady has already performed in Salzberg and this year will venture to New York to celebrate the Tees Valley Orchestra`s fiftieth year. Surely, a bright future awaits her.
A touching moment for the finale as M.D. Stephen Maltby beckoned Jim Muir - a former choir member for many, many years - forward to join with the choir for the closing number, `Morte Christe,` which was very well received.
Many thanks for all helpers who put on such a fantastic supper at the close and made the night a success.


6: Ormesby Methodist Church concert April 2019


The Dalesmen Singers Male Voice Choir from Danby were kindly invited to perform at Ormesby Methodist Church on Wednesday evening, April 24th for a final swan song at this fine church. After more than sixty years of worship, it will reach the end of the road, the final service takin place on April 28th. A sad and emotional day for all their faithful followers.
Methodists, well known for enjoying a rousing good night of singing, brought a marvellous response from its loyal followers, filling the church and showing great appreciation and enthusiasm for each and every song. Never more so than when Musical Director, Stephen Maltby, took to the beautiful organ for the ever popular `Morte Christe` and made the rafters ring. An emotional song at the best of times but in this case, rather more so, hardly a dry eye left in the house.
A fantastic supper brought the evening to a close, a marvellous tribute to every one of the hard-working members who helped keep the doors open on this church, but also made this event not only a success but, also, quite special as well.
7: Nunthorpe Methodist Church concert April 2019

The second concert of 2019 took The Dalesmen to the lovely Methodist church at Nunthorpe. A near capacity audience greeted us with enthusiasm and great applause. In welcoming us the Minister, Susan Greenwood, said she had taken 11 years to bring us to this church, which really put us on our marks to give a good performance – I think we delivered?Stephen introduced the pieces with colour and knowledge – as is his way. After our first four songs Stephen introduced Zoe and Zak Parlby, both teenagers, as our guest soloists. Zoe took the platform with her recorder and delivered a great piece of music. Zak followed with his tenor saxophone playing a jazz piece with great feeling.The next four pieces taking us to the interval finished with the “ Working Man” in which Colin Easterby taking the Bass soloist brought the piece alive, Lindsay Barber also added some “noises off”.After the interval the next four pieces included “Ilkley Moor” which went down very well and must be heard. Zoe then came forward, this time playing the flute, which showed her talent to the full.Zak followed with the saxophone in a piece that explored his virtuosity and he delivered.The concert ended with “Morte Christe” with audience participation, Stephen added the organ to the accompaniment, as he did with “American Trilogy”.The Minister, Sue thanked Ann Hartley for her accompaniment and Stephen Maltby, Director of Music. She felt that the choir had improved from 11 years ago – this could be due to new members – well done new members,Zoe and Zak enjoyed their own fantastic applause, which was well deserved, we wish them a happy journey in music.The Choir and audience were invited to a magnificent supper. Thanks to the ladies of the church for all their efforts, it was delicious.
8: Mayors Scarborough Community Fund concert 2019:

The Dalesmen Singers M.V.C. were delighted to be asked to perform at a new venue – for the choir – The Stables, Cross Butts, Whitby, in aid of the Mayoress of Scarborough Community fund. Organised by the Mayor and Mayoress of Scarborough, the night proved very relaxed, friendly and held in a truly great atmosphere. Compere/choir master Stephen Maltby was his usual eloquent self, ably supported by Accompanist Ann Hartley from Danby on piano. Talented guest stars were Hinderwell`s Colin Easterby, he of the beautiful bass voice, singing `Working Man` and Harry Collett and Frank Templeton provided musical humour with `The Bold Gendarmes.` Apart from baritones, Jim Stewart and Peter Jeffels re-arranging the splendid blossoming flowers, hanging from the oak beams, the performance was `all right on the night.`
Mayor Joe Plant, good sport that he is, performed with the choir singing the ever popular, `You`ll Never Walk alone,` followed by `You Raise Me Up,` both well received by the audience.
The evening raised £250 for the Mayoress`s Scarborough Community Fund
9: Carols at Castle Howard 2018:

10: Royal Albert Hall Nov 2018

8: Gala Night 2018

The Dalesmen Singers held their annual Gala Charity Night on Saturday evening and the audience were treated to two of the most entertaining and talented special guest artists that have appeared these past few years.
Samantha Holden from Stockton and her Accompanist Tim Jasper, performing for the first time together, excelled with a great variety of songs, including ones from her favourite composer Cole Porter which had the old chapel ringing out with her rich, soprano voice, before adding a brilliant touch of humour that had the audience applauding for more.
The Dalesmen gave it their all, as usual, and new songs, such as `Marianne` and `Calm is the Sea` were well received. With MD Stephen Maltby and Accompanist Ann Hartley leading the way, the final number of the ever popular Morte Christe was a fitting finale to a very entertaining evening.
With approx £1000 raised, split between Young Musicians Trust and the Heather Hopper which does so much for the local community it proved a very successful night.
Thank you to all helpers and all who donated prizes for an excellent raffle

1: Danby Village Hall Christmas Fair 2019


2: Gala Night 2019


3: Joint concert with Manhatten Voices 2019 (at St Hedda's July 13th 2019)
A superb concert with Manhatten Voices - they were terrific!

The Dalesmen giving it some welly

The new appearance in black and with blue bow tie

4: St Mathews Grosmont June 8th 2019
John Watson writes:
The Dalesmen Singers Male Voice Choir were delighted to have Naomi Fester as their guest artiste for an evening of music and song at St Mathews Church, Grosmont, on Saturday, June 8th.
Naomi, a confident and supremely talented fifteen-year-old pupil of Caedmon School, Whitby, is currently studying music and her talent really shone through in front of the appreciative audience, delighting all with two marvellously relaxed and polished performances. This well-travelled young lady has already performed in Salzberg and this year will venture to New York to celebrate the Tees Valley Orchestra`s fiftieth year. Surely, a bright future awaits her.
A touching moment for the finale as M.D. Stephen Maltby beckoned Jim Muir - a former choir member for many, many years - forward to join with the choir for the closing number, `Morte Christe,` which was very well received.
Many thanks for all helpers who put on such a fantastic supper at the close and made the night a success.


5: Ormesby Methodist Church concert April 2019


The Dalesmen Singers Male Voice Choir from Danby were kindly invited to perform at Ormesby Methodist Church on Wednesday evening, April 24th for a final swan song at this fine church. After more than sixty years of worship, it will reach the end of the road, the final service takin place on April 28th. A sad and emotional day for all their faithful followers.
Methodists, well known for enjoying a rousing good night of singing, brought a marvellous response from its loyal followers, filling the church and showing great appreciation and enthusiasm for each and every song. Never more so than when Musical Director, Stephen Maltby, took to the beautiful organ for the ever popular `Morte Christe` and made the rafters ring. An emotional song at the best of times but in this case, rather more so, hardly a dry eye left in the house.
A fantastic supper brought the evening to a close, a marvellous tribute to every one of the hard-working members who helped keep the doors open on this church, but also made this event not only a success but, also, quite special as well.
6: Nunthorpe Methodist Church concert April 2019

The second concert of 2019 took The Dalesmen to the lovely Methodist church at Nunthorpe. A near capacity audience greeted us with enthusiasm and great applause. In welcoming us the Minister, Susan Greenwood, said she had taken 11 years to bring us to this church, which really put us on our marks to give a good performance – I think we delivered?Stephen introduced the pieces with colour and knowledge – as is his way. After our first four songs Stephen introduced Zoe and Zak Parlby, both teenagers, as our guest soloists. Zoe took the platform with her recorder and delivered a great piece of music. Zak followed with his tenor saxophone playing a jazz piece with great feeling.The next four pieces taking us to the interval finished with the “ Working Man” in which Colin Easterby taking the Bass soloist brought the piece alive, Lindsay Barber also added some “noises off”.After the interval the next four pieces included “Ilkley Moor” which went down very well and must be heard. Zoe then came forward, this time playing the flute, which showed her talent to the full.Zak followed with the saxophone in a piece that explored his virtuosity and he delivered.The concert ended with “Morte Christe” with audience participation, Stephen added the organ to the accompaniment, as he did with “American Trilogy”.The Minister, Sue thanked Ann Hartley for her accompaniment and Stephen Maltby, Director of Music. She felt that the choir had improved from 11 years ago – this could be due to new members – well done new members,Zoe and Zak enjoyed their own fantastic applause, which was well deserved, we wish them a happy journey in music.The Choir and audience were invited to a magnificent supper. Thanks to the ladies of the church for all their efforts, it was delicious.
7: Mayors Scarborough Community Fund concert 2019:

The Dalesmen Singers M.V.C. were delighted to be asked to perform at a new venue – for the choir – The Stables, Cross Butts, Whitby, in aid of the Mayoress of Scarborough Community fund. Organised by the Mayor and Mayoress of Scarborough, the night proved very relaxed, friendly and held in a truly great atmosphere. Compere/choir master Stephen Maltby was his usual eloquent self, ably supported by Accompanist Ann Hartley from Danby on piano. Talented guest stars were Hinderwell`s Colin Easterby, he of the beautiful bass voice, singing `Working Man` and Harry Collett and Frank Templeton provided musical humour with `The Bold Gendarmes.` Apart from baritones, Jim Stewart and Peter Jeffels re-arranging the splendid blossoming flowers, hanging from the oak beams, the performance was `all right on the night.`
Mayor Joe Plant, good sport that he is, performed with the choir singing the ever popular, `You`ll Never Walk alone,` followed by `You Raise Me Up,` both well received by the audience.
The evening raised £250 for the Mayoress`s Scarborough Community Fund
8: Carols at Castle Howard 2018:

9: Royal Albert Hall Nov 2018

8: Gala Night 2018

The Dalesmen Singers held their annual Gala Charity Night on Saturday evening and the audience were treated to two of the most entertaining and talented special guest artists that have appeared these past few years.
Samantha Holden from Stockton and her Accompanist Tim Jasper, performing for the first time together, excelled with a great variety of songs, including ones from her favourite composer Cole Porter which had the old chapel ringing out with her rich, soprano voice, before adding a brilliant touch of humour that had the audience applauding for more.
The Dalesmen gave it their all, as usual, and new songs, such as `Marianne` and `Calm is the Sea` were well received. With MD Stephen Maltby and Accompanist Ann Hartley leading the way, the final number of the ever popular Morte Christe was a fitting finale to a very entertaining evening.
With approx £1000 raised, split between Young Musicians Trust and the Heather Hopper which does so much for the local community it proved a very successful night.
Thank you to all helpers and all who donated prizes for an excellent raffle